Información clínica

Información de contacto

Pacific Adult Congenital Heart (PACH) Clinic
Room 5051
5th Floor Providence Building
1081 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC
V6Z 1Y6

Phone: 604 806 8520
Fax: 604 806 8800
Email[email protected]


The Pacific Adult Congenital Heart (PACH) Clinic is located within the Heart Centre at St. Paul’s Hospital. You will find St Paul’s Hospital at 1081 Burrard Street, in the centre of downtown Vancouver.

Options for public transit can be found here:

How to Get to the PACH Clinic

Once you enter the hospital, make your way to the Providence Building and then take the elevator to the fifth floor. Turn left once you exit the elevator and you will find yourself in the outpatient clinic area. Check in with the receptionist and make yourself comfortable in the waiting room. One of the nurses will invite you into a clinic room when one becomes available.

If you have an appointment in the Heritable Aortopathies clinic, you should make your way to the 5th floor Burrard Building and follow the signs to the ‘Clinic Skills Space’. There is a sign in the corridor to assist you in locating the clinic.


There is a limited amount of parking available at St Paul’s Hospital and many more parking opportunities around the hospital site. Parking is expensive at St. Paul’s Hospital – it is $2.00 per 30 minutes or $18.75 for the entire day. Please arrive early for your appointment as it may take a few minutes to find a parking spot. Additional parking and transportation information can be found here:


The cafeteria is located on the 4th floor of the Providence Building and offers a good selection of food choices. The good news is you are in downtown Vancouver where there are many fabulous places to eat within walking distance of the hospital.

What to do if I need care before my first visit at PACH?

If you haven’t turned 18, you should contact your cardiologist at BC Children’s Hospital. You can still go to BC Children’s in the event of an emergency.

If you’re 18 or older, you should call the PACH clinic – even if you haven’t had your first appointment. You will go to an adult hospital in case of emergency.

¿Qué pasa si no acudo a una cita?

You’ll receive a letter a few weeks before your clinic appointment. Please call us if you can’t make your appointment. Then, we can fill that spot with another patient who is waiting to be seen. The phone number for the PACH office is (604) 806 8520.

If you do miss your appointment, please call us as soon as possible to schedule another appointment. We’ll probably call you, but it’s better if you call us first. At PACH, we believe that patients are partners in their health care and we’d like you to take the lead.

Si cree que se le ha pasado el plazo de su cita en la clínica pero no ha recibido la carta por correo, llame también a la clínica para saber cuándo será su próxima cita. Recuerde que somos socios.

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Bienvenido a iHeartChange

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